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We are thrilled to be perhaps the only North American retailer to offer the extremely rare freshwater pom pom Crab! It is named for its unique claws, which Resemble pom poms or boxing gloves.
This tiny sized Crab ships as a .5 to 1 inch diameter young Adult and will remain under 1.75 inches in diameter, even when fully grown. Each claw is fairly large in proportion to its body.
This is a fully aquatic Crab in its natural habitat, meaning it can always stay Immersed underwater and thus can be kept in a home aquarium! Substrate or soil, such as sand or gravel, is a must.
A prime candidate for a community or planted Aquarium. These crabs do best in tanks with a filter and places to hide, such as plants and aquarium decorations (Cholla Wood, natural reef, etc.).
All Aquatic Arts brand Plants and animals come with a 100% alive arrival guarantee, offer of replacement of do as, plus free email support!
We are extremely excited to be perhaps the only North American retailer to offer the freshwater Pom pom Crab (ptychognathus barbatus), a true gem of an aquarium specimen! Important: This Crab is very small (most will be 1 inch or less at the time of purchase, but grows up to 1.5 to 1.75 in), making them ideal for nano or miniature tanks.* in addition to Feeding on particles that collect on the fuzzy patches of hair (“Pom poms”) that grow on its claws, this Crab feeds on biofilm in the aquarium, but will also eat high- quality dry foods like flakes rich in plant matter. We also occasionally feed them protein-rich frozen food and snacks such as freeze dried bloodworms or a wafer, but sparingly. The pom pom Crab reportedly has pockets of population throughout many tropical and sub- tropical regions in Africa, Asia, and the Australian wilderness, particularly Madagascar, Taiwan, and new Caledonia. Breeding in the home aquarium has not yet been reported. Unlike most Crabs, this Crab is truly fully aquatic. However, we recommend keeping your water Line relatively low or keeping a lid on your aquarium, as they are occasional escape artists. This Crab is easy to care for and peaceful towards snails and fish from what we have experienced, but there is a small risk of it going after dwarf shrimp. It is larger and more active than the peaceful Thai micro Crab (limnopilos naiyanetri). no special aquarium supplies or accessories are required Other than the basics, such as an aquarium rig with an aquarium Air pump, aquarium heater, aquarium thermometer, and aquarium filters. Aquarium Substrate, like under gravel or soil, is also recommended. CARE GUIDELINES: - Temperature: 68° - 78° F (20° - 25° C) - pH: 6.2 - 7.2 - KH: 1 - 5 dKH - Minimum tank size: 5 gallons - average adult size: 1 In (2.5 cm) or less - average purchase Size: 1/2 - 1 in (1.3 - 2.5 cm)