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Product description : Do you feel insecure about your smile? Do you need a quick and inexpensive fix? Now you can have your own teeth whitening system! How to use: 1: Gently put the dental rubber-like layer into the Amazing Smile Teeth. 2: Place the Amazing Smile Teeth (with dental rubber-like layer already inserted inside) into a cup of boiling water for about 1-2 minutes. This will allow it to become more flexible and ready to custom-fit onto your existing teeth. Remove the Teeth with a spoon or fork, only after the Amazing Smile Teeth turns clear and soft. If you notice the dental rubber-like layer (that is inside the veneer) is not soft, we recommend you re-heat the water and place it back once again to make sure it does turn soft. *Caution: Amazing Smile Teeth will be hot. Wait 10-15 seconds before handling. 3: In front of a mirror, firmly position Amazing Smile Teeth over your existing upper teeth. Press they Amazing Smile Teeth firmly against your teeth. Gently pat the dental rubber-like layer with your thumbs behind your real teeth. *Avoid getting the dental rubber-like layer on the palate (roof of your mouth). 4: Try Amazing Smile Teeth on. Feel free to re-mold as many times as you want until you get the perfect and custom fit desired. Suggest: For care and maintenance of this item we recommend soaking it in mouthwash for about a 30 min, once a day. Alternately, you may use a tooth brush to clean the item every time you're finished wearing it. In order for this product to stay firm in the mouth, a person needs to have an existing teeth structure already in place. This is an affordable way to look better and restore your confidence. The thin construction is designed for comfort and a natural appearance.