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➤ Silicone " Joaquin " Mask : Joaquin is a gentle, fine-featured man with a love for good food comes from a sleepy city in the plains and is here for a short visit. He likes growing trees and is afraid of mudslides. Interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things. Detached and analytical, excels at finding solutions to practical problems. He likes wearing outrageous clothing. This Old Man "Joaquin" mask is a wonderful thing to have! Terrifically realistic and wearable for hours This mask can be used on stage, as well as for movies, other artistic projects, or simply for treating your friends to an absolutely unforgettable experience! ➤ ABOUT OUR Silicone " Joaquin " Mask : Unique images, faces, and expressions Very soft and breathable; transfers body heat and stretches well to allow for long wear Please keep in mind that silicone -- while durable -- is not indestructible. Please feel free to address any questions by contacting us!