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Gift your child endlessly rewarding skills they can cherish lifelong.Aligns to Common Core Standard CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.3.CSight words are high frequency words that make up for more than 50% of words your child would encounter while beginning to read. It's a great tool for reading as it enhances a child's speed, fluency and reading comprehension.Sight words are an important tool for learning to read and because they are used so often it is important that your child is able to recognize these words on sight (hence the term “sight words”) without having to use any strategy to decode. There are many words - like "the" - that cannot be easily illustrated.Sight words are as important to learn reading as math facts are to learn elementary math. When kids master sight words their memory automatically brings the sound and meaning of the word into their consciousness. The action is so unconscious that they don't even realize it is happening. Mastering sight words develops automaticity while reading.Automaticity is the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low level details that are required; this is usually the result of consistent learning, repetition, and practice. For instance, an experienced cyclist does not have to concentrate on turning the pedals, balancing, and holding on to the handlebars. Instead, those processes are automatic and the cyclist can concentrate on watching the road, the traffic, and other surroundings.Sight words also build confidence in a child. The frequency of occurrence of these words are so high that a child who has mastered these words can already recognize at least half of a sentence and start to feel good and confident about reading.Sight words also help promote reading comprehension. When your child opens their book for the first time, instead of trying to decipher what AL