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Combines two full RPGs that provide over 30 hours of gameplay each
Includes computer generated movie sequences created exclusively for this release
Both games incorporate monster summoning magic later used in Final Fantasy 7
The variety of "job" skills allows players to mix and match many different abilities to create custom characters
The "Esper" magic system allows characters to cast over 90 different magic spells Showcasing two installments of SquareSoft's wildly popular role-playing game (RPG) series, Final Fantasy Anthology features the U.S. debut of Final Fantasy V, and reintroduces one of the best RPGs of all time, Final Fantasy VI, originally released as Final Fantasy III on the Super Nintendo gaming system. Both games are straight Super Nintendo conversions, so their 2-D graphics and 16-bit sounds are admittedly subpar by PlayStation standards. However, SquareSoft has added brand-new, beautifully animated movies for both titles, and has given Final Fantasy VI the star treatment it deserves by adding a bonus mode where gamers can access loads of supplementary material, such as artwork and data files on the game's monsters and items. While Final Fantasy V is one of weaker entries in the series, Final Fantasy VI alone is totally worth the price of Final Fantasy Anthology. Endearingly melodramatic characters, a genuinely epic story line, and rock-solid gameplay make Final Fantasy VI just as absorbing today as it was when it was Final Fantasy III. --Joe Hon Pros: Brand-new animated movies Reissues Final Fantasy VI, one of the best RPGs ever Lots of supplementary material for Final Fantasy VI Cons: Dated graphics and sounds may bother some gamers The previously unreleased Final Fantasy V may as well have stayed unreleased Product Description Final Fantasy Anthology incorporates two of the most beloved FINAL FANTASY titles ever published. First released as FINAL FANTASY III in the U.S., FINAL FANTASY VI brings back all of the qualities that made it the best selling RPG of its time, and adds a few bonuses unique to this re-release. The second title in this compilation, FINAL FANTASY V, is seeing its first ever release in the U.S. Featuring an innovative 'Job' system and a story that will take the player to different worlds, this title will finally show U.S. gamers what they have been missing. If you are new to the FINAL FANTASY universe, pick up Anthology as way of getting to know the series that has garnered the praise of millions. If you are already a fan, pick it up to relive the magic once again. Review When Square re-released classic SNES Final Fantasy titles for the PlayStation in Japan, the more cynical minded accused the company of milking its core franchise; after all, the titles were repackaged with negligible gameplay enhancements and extras. But when Square announced the US release of Final Fantasy V and VI - combined as Final Fantasy Anthology - well, that's a horse of a different color, isn't it? After all, the series didn't hit it big in the US until Final Fantasy VII, and many gamers never played the Super Nintendo installments. Moreover, one of the titles, Final Fantasy V, is coming to the US for the first time ever. So how does the Anthology stack up? As a historical monument of two genre landmarks, it is fantastic; as two individual RPG titles, each is a masterpiece of gameplay and storytelling; but as a modern collection of classic titles, the package falls unfortunately short. Before its arrival in the anthology, Final Fantasy V was announced and canceled for a US release no fewer than three times. The fourth announcement was the charm, however, and many gamers' favorite Final Fantasy has finally hit the States. So what was the big fuss about? Certainly not the storyline. Unlike the more "modern" Final Fantasies - VI, VII, and VIII - Final Fantasy V features paper-thin characters, a trite and clichéd plot, and hours of fetch quests uninterrupted by character development or plot twists. The endearingly poor translation doesn't help things, either; it reads like a cross between early-'90s shoddiness and late-'90s "attitude." Think Working Designs without the proofreading - or the humor - and you're close. Making matters worse is that since the game's original nonrelease in 1993, there have been two separate fan translations of the entire game - and both are vastly superior to Square's "official" effort.