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► Custom Glossy Transparent Clear Playstation 4 Dual Shock 4 Wireless ControllerStand out with your own custom-colored Playstation 4 controller. You no longer are stuck using the basic black or white PS4 controllers. Now you can use a color that better matches your unique preferences and personality!► Official Sony Playstation 4 ControllerWe only use brand new official Sony Playstation 4 Dual Shock 4 controllers as the base for our custom controllers. This is the newest model of PS4 controller, and it is compatible with the Playstation 4 and PS4 Pro consoles. These controllers feature refined analog sticks and triggers, an improved light bar, a built-in speaker, a stereo headset jack, motion sensors, and USB battery charging capabilities.► Glossy Transparent Controller Front ShellWe have replaced the boring black stock front shell of the official Sony Playstation 4 controller with our high-quality see-through shell. These shells keep your hands comfortable for long gaming sessions.► More Colors AvailableWe offers dozens of different colors for both Playstation 4 and Xbox One controllers. Whether you're looking for a solid color, a chrome finish, or a transparent shell, we probably have it!► American MadeAll of our custom controllers are assembled in the United States by our talented team.