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Welcome to our shopping store.We always update new models to help customers have a new shopping experience.About product:✔ Color: Muticolor✔ 1 pack = 1 characterNote:- Please be careful to choose properly products from xsmart global to ensure quality and accurate product descriptions. Other products not supplied by xsmart global will be of poor quality. - Please read the product's description carefully before buying to avoid unnecessary mistakes leading to return and exchange. - There are much more good quality products sold in my store. Come check yourself.Product return mode:>> Satisfaction guarantee for 7 days. If you think items are not as described or items are broken during delivery, etc., please contact me first,I will be happy to solve your problem, thank you very much!>> Please contact us if you have any questions about the item, we will handle it within 1 business day.>> Scroll to the top now and click Add to Cart to begin your favorite experience