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Officially Licensed by Great Eastern
Detailed and Great Quality
Comes with official Tag
Great for any Sonic fan
Size: 4"L x 2"W x 7.5"H
Product Description Cream the Rabbit is a fictional, anthropomorphic rabbit from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She has a bond with a Chao named Cheese, who follows her everywhere and though she is the youngest female character, being six years old, she is not afraid to stand up for herself. She is a bit naive at times. Just as Tails is the sidekick of Sonic, Cream serves the same purpose for Amy Rose. From the Manufacturer Cream the Rabbit is a fictional, anthropomorphic rabbit from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She has a bond with a Chao named Cheese, who follows her everywhere and though she is the youngest female character, being six years old, she is not afraid to stand up for herself. She is a bit naive at times. Just as Tails is the sidekick of Sonic, Cream serves the same purpose for Amy Rose.