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Surrender to the Horde? That idea just won’t fly with this winged warrior woman. She-Ra may be the inspirational wind beneath her wings, but Flutterina saves a special spot in her heart for fellow fighter Clamp Champ. She comes with removable wings, her POP shield and a sword. Flutterina Bio Real Name: Abby De’note After the Horde invaded her home planet and overthrew most of the local monarchs, Flutterina was driven underground and joined with the Great Rebellion. As a member of the Beautifly Council, she was magically gifted with fairy wings giving her the ability to fly unnoticed around most foes. This skill makes her an ideal spy and reconnaissance officer. After the Horde located a Laser Gate back to Eternia, she agreed to follow along with She-Ra and several other warriors in pursuit. Flutterina eventually fell in love with Randor’s new Man-At-Arms and opted to stay with him on Eternia after the Second Ultimate Battleground. Flutterina uses her powers of flight to chase off those who make mischief for her friends!