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Pokemon Cards
Single Card
★ Includes: Pokemon Card Game Scarlet & Violet High Class Pack "Black Flame Ruler".
■ Card Name: Charizardex / Charizardex
■HP: 330/Type: Evil
■ Classification: 2 Evolutions (Lizard)
■Terrastal: This Pokemon will not be damaged as long as you are on the bench.
: Brick Scissors
Your turn
★ Includes: Pokémon Card Game Scarlet & Violet High Class Pack "Blackfire Ruler" ■ Card Name: Charizardex / Charizardex ■ HP: 330 / Type: Evil ■ Classification: 2 Evolutions (Rizard) ■Terrastal: This Pokémon will not be damaged as long as you are on the bench. ■ Characteristics: Nagokushi When you evolve this card out of your hand, you can use it once. Choose up to 3 "Basic Flame Energy" cards from your deck and put it on your Pokemon as you like. Then shuffle your deck. ■ Wow ● Flame: Burning Dark / Damage: 180+ 30 additional damage to the number of sides that the opponent has already been taken. Special rules: When the Pokemon ex gets stuck, your opponent takes 2 sides. ■Weakness: grass x 2/resistance: -/lean 2 ■Regulation: G (066/108) ※The image is the first edition card, but the first edition and reissues are all in the same stock, so you cannot choose it.