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Opening width: max. 38mm
45% thinner jaws, compared to a standard adjustable wrench
Scale in mm for pre-adjusting and accurate measurement
40% wider opening compared to a standard adjustable wrench of equivalent size, and 45% thinner jaws, compared to a standard adjustable wrench of equivalent size
Precision-hardened and anti-corrosion treated.Comfortable slip free, warm thermoplastic handle and phosphate finish.40% wider opening compared to a standard adjustable wrench of equivalent size, and 45% thinner jaws, compared to a standard adjustable wrench of equivalent size.Precision-hardened and anti-corrosion treated.Comfortable slip free, warm thermoplastic handle and phosphate finish
Jaw tip 0.18 inch (4.5 mm) thin mouth type Uses an ergonomic grip that distributes the grip strength evenly and reduces the risk of injury during work. Comes with scales.