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2 x 1 Quart Black Oxide Concentrate (makes 5 gals)
2 Gal Sealer - Choose Penetrating Sealer For Oily Finish or Caswell Sealer For Dry Finish
1 x 6 Gal Plastic Blackening Tank
1 x 3.5 Gal Plastic Sealing Tank
Instruction Sheet
Blacken Steel & Iron Parts At Room TemperatureThis new technique was developed by the commercial gun blue manufacturers as a more environmentally friendly system than the commonly used hot application. Parts requiring blackening are simply placed in the liquid at room temperature, no electrical power is required.5 Gallon Kit Contains:2 x 1 Quart Black Oxide Concentrate (makes 5 gals)2 Gal Sealer - Choose Penetrating Sealer For Oily Finish or Caswell Sealer For Dry Finish1 x 6 Gal Plastic Blackening Tank1 x 3.5 Gal Plastic Sealing TankInstruction SheetFree Technical SupportConvenient - Easy to do in house. No waiting for heatup of blackening solution. No waiting for the unpredictable return of parts from an outside vendor. Eliminates high outside vendor costs. Retain control of production and quality. Ideal for high volume or short runs. Works especially well for blackening large volume of small parts in a rotating barrel.Higher Productivity - Parts can be blackened in two minutes vs 15 to 30 minutes for hot oxide. Normally twice the amount of parts can be blackened in the same amount of time as with hot oxide.Controllable - Long bath life, blackening solution may be replenished indefinitely with periodic additions of fresh concentrate.So easy to install and use that you can now economically apply a pleasing decorative, sales-appealing black corrosion-resistant finish on parts previously left unfinished.Versatility - Blackens cast iron, forged steels, mild steels, hardened tool steels and powdered metal parts. No white salt bleedout as is common with hot oxide.Dimensional Control - No heat distortion. No smutty rub-off as with other room-temperature blackening processes.Energy Cost Saving - Blackening is done at room temperature vs hot oxide blackening done at 290°F.