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***Ace the WCC Exam and Get the Results You Deserve*** The WCC Exam is a challenging test and your results can make a huge difference when it comes to your future. If you do well on the exam, it can open doors and lead to wonderful opportunities. If you do poorly on the exam, you will find yourself with a lot fewer options. You may have to put your plans for the future on hold, or even give up on them altogether. Preparing for your exam with our WCC Exam Flashcard Study System can help you avoid this fate and give you a big advantage when you sit down to take the test. Thousands of satisfied customers have relied on Mometrix Flashcards to help them pass their exam, and now you can too. When you study with these flashcards, you'll get an in-depth review of each section on the WCC Exam. The Wound Evaluations section covers: Venous tests Arterial tests Ulcers Wound cleansing Key points to review Modalities Pressure points The Respiratory/Cardiac Review section covers: Circulatory system Course of circulation The heart The Microbiology Review section covers: Characteristics of bacteria types Immunoglobulin isotypes Cytokines review The Pharmacology Review section covers: Routes of drug entry Pharmacology review chart Biotransformation of drugs Drug elimination The Nutrition section covers: Six key nutrients Major minerals Water soluble vitamins Fat soluble vitamins Carbohydrates key points Fat key points Nutritional Considerations for various age ranges The Cell-Its Structures and Functions section covers: Composition of protoplasm Properties of the cell and protoplasm Components of a typical cell Intercellular space Mitochondria Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Lysosome Nucleus Cell division- mitosis