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The envelope just arrived……and it contains the exam results.What does your future hold?For any young person, exams set you on a path: great colleges, great careers. You’ve had your nose in the books for months to be ready. Yet few students achieve their best scores possible. Memory lapses, silly errors, timing issues, nerves. How do you know you can deliver on test day?It’s time to take your exam scores to new heights.It’s time to turn exam-day success from lottery to science.Cutting-edge memory techniques. The psychology of performing under pressure. Your instructor, Will Wadsworth, is a Cambridge University educated psychologist, learning scientist, supertutor and former top 0.01% student (in UK exams). He knows how to win at exams. It’s both art and science and you’ll learn how to rank at the top.This book will help with SATs, APs, GCSEs, A-Levels, or exams at college or university.You’ll learn:- The “Winners Mindset”- Keys to Written Answers to get top scores- How to create a Master Exam Taking plan for success- The Tactics to score the highest possible marks- How to Improve your Memory Recall significantly, to guarantee great results.No more “couldn’t remember”. No more “ran out of time”. No more botched exam essays. You’ll love this guide, because it will give you (or your child) the tools you need to excel. Once the prep work is done, this book takes the student the rest of the way to success.The results envelope of your dreams could be in your hand. Get it now.