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Oftentimes what separates us from being the firefighter we are and the firefighter we want to be is our mindset. Our mindset is the foundation of a lifestyle that is in line with whom we want to become. It keeps us disciplined to do the necessary daily work to uphold our end of the deal – the oath. This book has been created to help us all develop or reinforce the mindset required to consistently train so that we can serve our communities at the highest level. This performance level is what we would expect from any firefighter who shows up to one of our own homes. Our hope is that this book will assist you in creating and sustaining the discipline to maintain a high standard. Perhaps your mindset is already solid, in which case this book will help you take your training to the next level. It is a book that should be revisited time and time again for those seasons of our careers when the excuses seem to be stronger than our purpose. We believe the pages that follow will position you to overcome the natural human desire to take the path of least resistance and to consistently seek the necessary discomfort to be the firefighter you said you would be.