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You can be free from all mental/emotional pain
Learn how to build faith for healing!
Learn how to pray the prayer of faith!
Amy had suffered pain for nine years—and then a 13-pound. growth was discovered in her abdomen. Desperate and done with being sick, it was there in her darkest moment that God DARED her to take 30 days to change her picture of possibilities. He dared her to discover what the Bible says about supernatural healing. He also gave her five life-changing steps to accessing healing—spirit, soul, and body.Within days of finishing her 30-day healing dare, Amy was instantly and supernaturally healed overnight—the 13-pound growth was gone! Her spine was healed too! No more pain!The best part? What worked for Amy has worked for countless others with physical and mental pain. Now, Amy DARES YOU to take God at His Word and take the first step toward your pain-free future. This devotional will walk you through 30 days of faith-boosting revelation, practical action steps, powerful healing Scriptures, miracle testimonies, positive confessions, daily journaling, and honest self-reflection. Take the 30-day Healing Dare andHow your identity affects your healthHow you can be set free from all mental and emotional painHow to build faith for healingHow to rid your life of toxic thoughtsHow to pray the prayer of faithGod wants you healed and boldly walking into your future!He dares you to take Him at His Word and see the results for yourself. Check out Amy’s other books, including her testimony book, Healed Five Steps to Accessing Supernatural Healing.