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Combination Tutorial and Lab BookDesigned for IBM i RPG & RPGIV based Application Development--- Finally, there is an affordable RPG and RPGIV tutorial for AS /400&IBM i RPG & RPGIV programming . It is much less expensive than other available self-study packages because it was built first to be a lab guide. It is designed to help students learn RPG without going broke.Additionally, this book is designed to be used by Colleges and Universities and corporate IT Training groups as an RPG/RPGIV course Lab book for RPG. The book is packaged to be used with an IBM i library designed to make learning as easy as possible. The book also has an optional set of “talking” PowerPoint slide presentationsthat are based on the popular AS/400&IBMi RPG & RPGIV Developers' Guide (text book). These slides can be an effective lec ture series when used with or without a Moodle CMS. Besides all that there is a sample syllabus as well as optional quizzes to make the learning environment complete.In addition to the 1-2-3 type tutorial and lab exercises in the tutorial/lab guide, it also provides lecture material that not only helps you learn the language, the material helps you get your labs done right - screens designed, programs compiled, programs executed, and output examined.All IBM i Lab objects are included in the downloadable material standard with this book package. The Labs are well done and well documented and they are built so that you can complete them successfully by visualizing the solution. Since nobody likes to key programs from scratch, the lab exercises are already typed with enough important material redacted to provide painless learning. You learn programming rather than typing. The capstone lab is almost 500 statements of RPGIV learning. By the time you finish the last lab, you will not be a better typist but you will have learned RPG / RPGIV. There are many RPG books and expensive self studies but there has ne