The Star Wars Encyclopedia

Product ID : 16125666

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About The Star Wars Encyclopedia

Product Description Its vast history and environs have been explored, studied, and chronicled extensively for more than twenty years. Now, this landmark volume--a definitive reference devoted exclusively to the Star Wars milieu--draws together data from films, radio dramas, novels, short stories, computer games, and more, running the full gamut of this extraordinary galaxy. From science and technology to history and geography; from culture and biography to ecology and cosmology; from "abo" and "Abrax" to "zwil" and "Zirtran's Anchor," this all-encompassing, fully illustrated, alphabetical reference covers all the elements which have developed and expanded the Star Wars universe, creating a rich and diverse history that spans millennia. Its scope ranges from the renowned and infamous ("Luke Skywalker," "Darth Vader") to the obscure and enigmatic ("Tnun Bdu"); from the history of the Sith Wars to the Galactic Civil War that pit the Rebel Alliance against the Empire. It introduces us to the natives and customs of planets as diverse as Tatooine and Dagobah, and even to the secrets and beliefs of the Jedi Knights. As a bonus for the intensive researcher, this massive reference includes the complete timeline of major events in Star Wars history. Every key element that exists in the world of Star Wars is supplied here--in clearly defined entries that have been researched and written by one of the leading authorities on the Star Wars universe. Amazon.com Review Since 1977, the Star Wars universe, conceived by George Lucas, has been explored by authors and artists eager to build on the foundation laid by the blockbuster movies. The Star Wars Encyclopedia is the essential guide to every detail of the history, planets, vehicles, politics, aliens, and weapons described in countless books, comics, stories, and (of course) movies. You'll find extraordinary details about old favorites here--for instance, did you know that Luke Skywalker helped rescue Han and Leia's children from the dark side of the Force? Or that the primary food of Jawas is the hubba gourd? Endless hours of browsing pleasure await you, from A-1 Deluxe Floater (a luxury air speeder) to ZZ-4Z (Han Solo's housekeeping droid). Each item is cross-referenced to the book, movie, or comic in which it appears, but fans looking for "real-life" information about the Star Wars phenomenon won't find it here--this is strictly a resource for those who want to keep track of how all the stories and characters fit together, the clothes they wear, the foods they eat, and the planets they call home. --Therese Littleton From School Library Journal YA-Pulling together data from all of the official sources of Star Wars information, Sansweet presents this alphabetically arranged volume on characters, planets, weapons, technology, events, and just about anything else that appears in any of the various comics, movies, books, toys, and collectibles currently available. Made for easy browsing, the entries lead to cross references and interconnections as needed. Fans may spend hours serendipitously flipping pages back and forth reading entries as well as perusing the countless full-color photographs, black-and-white sketches, and cartoons. A "Source Code and Bibliography" listing provides the key to the sources and complete bibliographic information used. The time line aides the chronological understanding of the epic story. Serious fans will find this a major source of helpful facts presented in a useful format. Pam Johnson, Fairfax County Public Library, VA Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Library Journal Who would have imagined, 21 years after the initial release of Star Wars, that the Force would still be with us? And box office receipts in the hundreds of millions of dollars generated by the 1997 rerelease of the SW trilogy prove that interest in the series hasn't waned. This trio tell you everything you always wanted to know about Star Wars but were afraid to