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Rounded Corners,Non-Bleed paper - Most accurate English Translation
From the side column of the InterlinearHebrew-Greek-Englis Bible
This is the fourth edition of the Literal Translation that appears in the side margins of Jay Green's best-seller, The Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible. This is the fourth edition of that most accurate version. Now You Can Know What God Said, Not Just What Men Say He Said. The Bible you have been reading may say that The word of God is . . . sharper than a two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12), but in myriads of verses it has been dulled by mistranslation, or lost through non-translation of the words God actually wrote through the Scripture writers as they were "borne along by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21). See these expressive words of God that been hidden from you? Know exactly what God said in every verse of the Holy Scriptures. Do not put your trust in so-called intelligentsia, but trust only and fully in the powerful, life-giving words as they were given to the apostles and prophets to write, who were "borne along by the Holy Spirit" Why not read the very words written by God in the Hebrew & Greek languages translated in the English word-for-word? God calls the Scriptures "My Word" (see Isaiah 51:16). Every word is precious, wisely selected by God to satisfy your soul, and to direct your steps. Every nation had their lords, but only Israel had Jehovah as their God. All other countries were ''the nations.'' In the New Testament ''Gentiles'' is falsely put for the ''nations.'' ''Church'' is a word God never instead he called the meeting place ''the assembly'' both in the New and Old Testament. ''The children of Israel'' never existed as such, for the word, for ''sons'' is badly translated as ''children.'' Only by going back to the each and every word of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts can we ever attempt to have the purest translation. This is what we have done with the KJ3 - Literal Translation of the Bible.