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Product Description Discover Belgium & Luxembourg Taste the difference between good and excellent in Brussels at the world's finest chocolate shops. Find your favorite vantage point in fairy-tale Luxembourge City, town full of spectacular views. Swathe yourself in the latest Antwerp fashion in hand-picked St Andries boutiques. Get pelted wiht oranges by masked men in Binche, during Belgium's most bizarre carnival. In This Guide: Co-written by a native Belgian and a chocoholic - over 1300 hours of on-the-road research with two kids in tow. Our special beer chapter will have you sampling the region's finest from divine Trappist brews to acidic lambics. You asked for it, we researched it - more child-friendly activities, cycling information and battleground coverage. Review …Lonely Planet, the intrepid traveler's bible...' --Los Angeles Times, April 2005 From the Publisher Who We Are At Lonely Planet, we see our job as inspiring and enabling travelers to connect with the world for their own benefit and for the benefit of the world at large. What We Do * We offer travelers the world's richest travel advice, informed by the collective wisdom of over 350 Lonely Planet authors living in 37 countries and fluent in 70 languages. * We are relentless in finding the special, the unique and the different for travellers wherever they are. * When we update our guidebooks, we check every listing, in person, every time. * We always offer the trusted filter for those who are curious, open minded and independent. * We challenge our growing community of travelers; leading debate and discussion about travel and the world. * We tell it like it is without fear or favor in service of the travelers; not clouded by any other motive. What We Believe We believe that travel leads to a deeper cultural understanding and compassion and therefore a better world.