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Product Description This textbook is packaged with Navigate 2 Advantage Access which unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate 2 today at Hazardous Materials Chemistry, Third Edition by Armando S. Bevelacqua and Laurie A. Norman explores basic chemical principles, nomenclature, and toxicology so that fire fighters and first responders can effectively identify hazards associated with specific chemicals and chemical families, determine the potential dangers present at a hazardous materials incident, and make safe and informed decisions. Each chapter presents scenarios that discuss real world problems as described within the context of that chapter’s content. Practical applications of chemical reactions are described within the framework of case studies that focus on specific hazmat incidents, and the importance of understanding chemical reactions and how that knowledge can impact the result of a hazardous materials incident is highlighted. By learning the chemistry behind an incident, students understand how chemical reactions can impact an incident. Hazardous Materials Chemistry, Third Edition meets the course and learning objectives of the National Fire Academy’s FESHE Model Curriculum for their Hazardous Materials Chemistry program and is appropriate for a fire department hazardous materials chemistry class. About the Author Armando S. Bevelacqua is 37 plus year veteran of the fire service and the recipient of the 2010 “In the Zone Award” and the “Level A Award” for leadership, service and support in education of the hazardous materials first response community, and the Dieter Heinz 2016 instructor of the year award. Retired from City of Orlando Fire Department, Orlando Florida where he served as Chief of Special Operations, Homeland Security, EMS, and USAR. Armando lectures to fire departments throughout North America, Canada and Europe Chief Bevelacqua serves on several federal, state and local committees. He holds membership to the Inter-Agency Board (IAB) for Training and Exercise member to the NFPA 472, 473, and 475 Technical Committees along with representation on the ASTM standards development committee for emergency response. Chief Bevelacqua has assisted in the development of standards and protocols such as with Rocky Mountain Poison Control for the development of standardized Medical Protocol for the WMD event and for the State Department for WMD training of embassy delegates.