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VFD’s – Installation & TroubleshootingThe purpose and goal of this book on Variable Frequency Drives is to explain the purpose and functions of PWM drives; how to correctly configure necessary parameters, and what those parameters do; and finally, to effectively troubleshoot and use fault code diagnostics.The following are among the many topics and concepts discussed:•Motor control and how VFD’s can be effectively utilized.•Motion concepts and relationship between torque, speed, and horsepower.•AC wave form characteristics.•Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).•The difference between carrier frequency and fundamental frequency.•The different control modes used with a VFD.•Common wiring methods and connections.•Configuring parameters for the drive.•Understanding the different braking methods.•Testing and troubleshooting the VFD.As an aid for troubleshooting purposes, diagrams are used which illustrate the component sections of a typical VFD; the converter, DC bus, and the inverter sections of the drive.