Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics (Aiaa Education Series)

Product ID : 17048032
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Manufacturer AIAA (American Institute Of Aeronautics & Astronautics)
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About Modeling And Simulation Of Aerospace Vehicle

Product Description Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics, Third Edition unifies all aspects of flight dynamics for the efficient development of aerospace vehicle simulations. It provides the reader with a complete set of tools to build, program, and execute simulations. Unlike other books, it uses tensors for modeling flight dynamics in a form invariant under coordinate transformations. For implementation, the tensors are converted into matrices, resulting in compact computer code. This book also serves as an anchor for three self-study courses which are based on M&S courses in C++ previously taught at the University of Florida. They are Building Aerospace Simulations in C++; Fundamentals of Six Degrees of Freedom Aerospace Simulation and Analysis in C++; and Advanced Six Degrees of Freedom Aerospace Simulation and Analysis in C++. CONTENTS Nomenclature List of Acronyms Chapter 1 Overview PART 1 MODELING OF FLIGHT DYNAMICS Chapter 2 Mathematical Concepts in Modeling Chapter 3 Frames and Coordinate Systems Chapter 4 Kinematics of Translation and Rotation Chapter 5 Translational Dynamics Chapter 6 Attitude Dynamics Chapter 7 Perturbation Equations PART 2 SIMULATION OF AEROSPACE VEHICLES Chapter 8 Three-Degrees-of-Freedom Simulation Chapter 9 Five-Degrees-of-Freedom Simulation Chapter 10 Six-Degrees-of Freedom Simulation Chapter 11 Real-Time Applications Appendix A Matrices Appendix B CADAC_FTN Primer Appendix C Aerospace Simulations in C++ Appendix D Foundation of Tensor Flight Dynamics Appendix E CADAC++ Architecture Index Supporting Materials Review I've worked with numerous texts and authors for aerospace vehicle simulations. This book's presentation of material is fairly deep,robust, and easy to follow. Several different modeling paradigms are presented at different levels of fidelity with notes about their appropriateness and excellent tips for efficient implementation. I've used this book as a significant reference for vehicles from low altitude through upper atmosphere and Earth orbit. The control concepts presented are an interesting addition for those doing control work. - A practicing aerospace engineer I'm not the authoritative reviewer you may need. Pay more attention to those who have taught from this book, or who have used it to develop an airframe. In my pre-retirement career though, I did pay a lot of attention to flight test data reduction. So after a few hours studying this text I can surely say I wish I had had it then. I once argued with an engineer about the relative merits of quaternions and Euler angles, as if one had to chose. A quick check in this text clearly shows how useful they both are and how they're used together. Zipfel bases his analyses on the tensor ideas that allow an airframe model to be developed independently of the reference coordinates in which the airframe is ultimately located. In other words in a form invariant under coordinate transformations. His tensor notation is somewhat different than might be found in common tensor analysis texts, but it is clearly developed in early easy to follow chapters and is formalized in an appendix. Don't be annoyed that he used E for the identity matrix instead of I, and an overbar instead of a super T for transpose. There's not much that would confuse the reader with complex conjugates. The book is very well illustrated with helpful charts and diagrams. Zipfel sometimes diverges from the formalities of technical writing to let you know he enjoys some of the developments that are downright exciting.There's a pleasure for the reader. Zipfel's basic developments are clear and complete, but he advises that the engineer has just started when the basics are understood. The engineer's client will want to know the quantitative effects of an airframe design. The book then becomes a virtual user's manual for simulation software that Zipfel has developed, CADAC, computer aided design of aerospace concepts, which is available for the dow