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Product Description A supplement to the Official Guide with 300 additional verbal questionsThe GMAT Official Guide 2019 Verbal Review provides additional practical preparation focused on the verbal portion of the exam. Written by the Graduate Management Admission Council, this guide contains 300 real GMAT questions from past exams, including 45 never-before-seen questions, plus the following features: An overview of the exam to help you get familiar with the content and format Comprehensive grammar review Detailed answer explanations that explain how the test maker thinks about a question Questions organized in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest to focus your study Access to the same questions online at, where you can build your own practice sets Don’t waste time practicing on fake GMAT questions. Optimize your study time with the GMAT Official Guide 2019 Verbal Review using real questions from actual past exams. From the Back Cover This edition includes 45 never-before-seen questions NEW! Refreshed introduction to sentence correction NEW! Index of questions by subject area and difficulty IMPROVED! Online question bank offers better performance metrics Print SUPPLEMENT THE GMAT® OFFICIAL GUIDE with 300 additional questions organized in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest ONLINE BUILD YOUR OWN PRACTICE SETS with questions from this guide at About the Author The Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC) is the association of leading graduate business schools around the world. GMAC's mission is to meet the needs of business schools and students through a wide array of products, services, and programs, and the organization serves as a primary resource of research and information about quality graduate management education. GMAC is the owner and administrator of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Created in 1954, the GMAT is the first and only standardized test specifically designed for graduate business and management programs. Available in over 100 countries, it is the global standard for entry to the MBA degree course. Currently about 2,100 schools and 5,900 programs have adopted the GMAT, and the test is taken approximately 230,000 times annually.