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Are you planning to move to Australia? You are not alone, Your D.I.Y. Move Guide, talks you through all the essential information, practical tips, and valuable advice you will need to move and live in Australia. Research, Planning, Documentation, Packing, Moving; Truth be told, this is just the beginning of the long roller-coaster journey you have embarked on. The real ride, however, starts after you arrive in Australia. Thorough preparation with realistic expectation and the right advice can save you a ton of stress and anxiety. And this is what the book is all about.Robyn Vogels and Hendrika Jooste, understand that relocating to a new country can be both physically and emotionally overwhelming. Therefore, they have been supporting individuals and families to settle in Australia for over a decade. Your D.I.Y. Move Guide is their latest offer to support all the people moving to Australia.This book is a step-by-step guide that tells you:•what you need to know about Australia in a nutshell,•how to plan your logistics and smartly move your stuff,•how to understand the suburbs before you start looking for a house,•what to expect whilst moving with children and pets,•what to do if you want to save some money,•how to compare schools suitable for your child/children’s age,•how to equip yourself with insider knowledge,•how to deal with culture shock, and•how to cope with unforeseen emotional moments. However, it is not your average guide book. The tone is friendly, quirky and informal with easily understandable English. You will bump into some funny “faux pas” immigrant moments and real-life stories that you could relate to. By the end of the book, you would have also picked up some Australian etiquette, humour and slang. Spare yourself from outdated information, unprofessional advice and misleading help. The authors, inspired by their own relocation experiences and many immigrant stories, have researched for you and packed this guide with reliable information from authentic sources. Take help and make the most out of your endeavour!