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How to eat for health and for pleasure This French Amazon healthy eating guide bestseller (dozens of 4 & 5 stars) based on 20 years of clinical trials by a leading French doctor shows how to prevent and reverse over 100 so called “incurable“ diseases, including all the autoimmune diseases, using a delicious eating plan. (Contains menu plans and recipes). Alzheimer's Arthritis (all types) AS Asthma Bronchitis Cancer Cirrhosis Colitis (all types) Conjunctivits Crohn's Depression Diabetes 2 Eczema ENT infections Fibromyalgia Gastritis 2 GERD Hashimoto's Hay Fever Heart Disease Hepatitis Hives IBS Lupus Migraines Multiple sclerosis Parkinson's Psoriasis (all types) Rheumatism (all types) Rhinitis Sinusitis Sjogren's Spasmophilia Ulcers Uvetitis A selection of the over 100 diseases which were treated in 2,565 patients. 2,300 patients improved and in most cases went into complete remission. In this simplified guide to Dr. Seignalet's (prononounced "Saynyalay" ) original scientific text book, his daughters explain in layman's terms why these frightening, so called "incurable diseases" have one thing in common, caused by our "modern" diet. A pioneer in organ transplant biocompatability, Dr. Seignalet used his knowledge of many different medical and biological specialist fields, especially genetics, to identify the factors, (genetic, viral, bacteriological, oral health etc. etc.) involved in each disease. "Leaky gut" was the common factor. Once Dr. Seignalet had understood this, he could work out how and why certain foods in our diet were causing it. Remove them from the diet and the disease often disappears along with the symptoms. Why is Seignalet 100% reliable? Gerson, Paleo, Primal, Raw, Weston-Price, Specific Carbohydrate diet (SCD), GAPS, Metabolic Typing, Swank, Food Combining, Macrobiotic, Medicinal chef will all improve health. But like Dr. Gerson, Dr. Seignalet carefully observed his patients in a clinical setting and watched the effects of his dietary modifications over 20 years and made meticulous notes. Vibrant health is your birthright, this book will help you reclaim it A lifetime of pain and drug dependency are not inevitable. This book shows how to to follow this delicious way of eating, that Dr. Seignalet called "hypotoxic". After a period of elimination and detoxification, your health will improve, allowing your doctor to reduce your medication or even taper it off altogether and you can finally be free of the harmful side effects. Lose weight, look fabulous, improve your athletic performance Look fabulous? More energy? If you already do, this book can make you look even more fabulous! Lose weight? Following this regime will allow you to lose weight slowly but surely without the draconian restrictions on portion size or calories imposed by so called “slimming diets”. Mental poise and physical abilities will improve. Seignalet reported that high level athletes greatly improved their performance using the diet and many modern day athletes follow it. The diet combats high cholesterol and prevents ageing, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and cancers. Dr. Seignalet's patients had a fraction of the deaths from cancer and heart disease that statistics from the general population would have predicted and remember that these were patients who all started off with some disease or other. You should be aware that the diet is not a total cure and you must stay on it to maintain remission. So your new life starts now with this new way of eating. Scroll up, click the buy button and start today!