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Official Release #5 Originally Released: November 1968 Produced by: FZ Executive Producer: Tom Wilson This is an album of greasy love songs & cretin simplicity. We made it because we* really like this kind of music (just a bunch of old men with rock & roll clothes on sitting around the studio mubling about the good old days**). Ten years from now you'll be sitting around with your friends some place doing the same thing if there's anything left to sit on. The Mothers of Invention: Ray Collins: Lead Vocals FZ: Low Grumbles, Oo-wah and Lead Guitar*** Roy Estrada: High Weazlings, Dwaedy-doop & Electric Bass Jimmy Carl Black and/or Arthur Dyer Tripp III: Lewd Pulsating Rhythm Ian Underwood or Don Preston: Redundant Piano Triplets Motorhead Sherwood: Baritone Sax & Tambourine Bunk Gardner and Ian Underwood: Tenor and Alto Saxs The Last Word: "The present-day Pachuco refuses to die!" RUBEN SANO, June 1955 * Royal. ** Now. *** drums, piano, bass c/s