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Classic Israeli and Chassidic folksongs
David Melech Israel offers a wealth of listening pleasure in this golden compilation.
Song Title in Hebrew and English.
Songs booklet with Hebrew and English lyrics, translations and transliterations is included.
Inspiring! Full of Joy and Magic.
Classic Israeli and Chassidic folksongs - a wealth of listening pleasure in this golden compilation. Song Title in Hebrew and English: David Melech Israel / David - the king of Israel Sisu et Yerushalim / Joy at Jerusalem Od Avinu Chai / As long that our father alive. Vetaher Libenu / Purification of our hearts. Esa Enai El Heharim / I shell look up to the mountains. Bau Haovdim / The workers have came. Sisu Vesimchu / Joy and happiness Hine Ma Tov / Here is the goodness. Mal'u Asamenu Bar / Our barn is full Kum Vehit'halech Baarrets / Get up and walk the land. Erets / Country Kol Haolam Kulo / All of the world Jewish music Shir Lashalom / A song for the peace. Hevenu Shalom Alechem / We have brought peace on you. Ose Shalom / He who make peace Hava Nagila / Lets celebrate