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Running out of room for your Outdoor Gear? Are your kayaks, canoes, surfboards, SUPs or snowboards taking up all your valuable garage floor space? Having to park the car outside? No garage? Are they cluttering up your living areas? If so, Zujara has the perfect simple storage solution for you, suitable for these outdoor items and more. The perfect alternative to costly racks and brackets. Simply Solves your Storage Problems Fix the stainless-steel hooks into a suitable vertical or horizontal surface - can be easily wall-mounted or fitted to the ceiling, hang the straps using the strong coated s-hooks and simply load up a kayak or two. The quick-release buckles enable easy loading access. Although originally designed for kayak storage, the sling loops extend to more than 90 inches in diameter, so they can be used to safely store a wide variety of sports equipment, or even to keep your ladders neat. Safety tip: whilst being very easy to put up, please ensure that the straps are fitted to a surface capable of bearing the weight limit, with fixings appropriate to the material. Practical and Long-Lasting Freestanding kayak storage racks are expensive and take up a lot of space. For clutter-free floors, tidy your garage by hanging your kayaks or boards against the wall instead. Sturdy, hard-wearing high-quality components ensure long term service. Includes 2 Paddle Clips With strong hook and loop straps and a lightweight carabiner, these handy clips are ideal for attaching a paddle or oar to your craft. Alternatively, they can be used for hanging useful items to your boat, jacket, bag or even a stroller. Get your Gear Organized today!