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WRISTLOCK CONTOURGREATER CONSISTENCY IN CONTROLLING PUTTER FACEEngineered to “lock” in the upper wrist to prevent any unwanted motion leads to greater consistency in starting the ball on-line and overall distance control.
NO TAPER TECHNOLOGY EVEN GRIP PRESSURE Patented No Taper Technology creates even grip pressure for a more consistent stroke. Parallel design has uniform lower hand profile to minimize grip pressure
TRAXION CONTROLENHANCED FEEDBACK ZONES Building on the superior feel and playability of the original SuperStroke putter grip, the new Traxion TM offers an advanced surface texture design for enhanced feedback
TECH-PORTADVANCED PUTTING PERFORMANCE Designed to accept all SuperStroke “Tech-Port” accessories including the CounterCore weight system to engage the larger muscles for a more stable and repeatable putting stroke
The WristLock is USGA® approved and engineered to “lock” in the upper wrist to prevent any unwanted motion leads to greater consistency in starting the ball on-line and overall distance control. Patented No Taper Technology® creates even grip pressure for a more consistent stroke. Parallel design has uniform lower hand profile to minimize grip pressure and maintain putter head path for a more consistent stroke.Designed to accept all SuperStroke “Tech-Port” accessories including the CounterCore weight system to engage the larger muscles for a more stable and repeatable putting stroke. Utilizing such muscles helps to reduce putter face angle rotation caused by wrist manipulation while improving putting stroke path for greater consistency.No CounterCore™ weight is included with the grip but may be added to your purchase below, or can be added separately in ACCESSORIES.