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Erickson's synthetic nylon sling is manufactured to ensure a design factor of 5:1. This design factor is a factor which is divided into the nominal strength of a sling to arrive at the WLL (or rated capacity). This factor is necessary to allow for wear, abrasion, damage and variations in load which are not always readily apparent to the sling user but does not cover for insufficient edge protection or protection against cutting. 1 inch by 4 feet nylon double ply eye ends lift sling has a hitch capacity as follows; 4800 pounds basket hitch, 1920 pounds choker hitch and 2400 pounds vertical hitch. Erickson Manufacturing has been producing tie-down straps and related products for over 25 years. As a manufacturer of tie-down and towing products in North America, Erickson Manufacturing strives to provide the safest products with the consumer in mind.