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Sketch, draw, or paint to create amazing art at any skill level, whether from scratch or existing Photos, with natural media brushes and canvas textures
Paint with tools that closely mimic Real oil paint, chalk, charcoal, WaterColor, and other media with Corel's RealBristle Technology; create etheReal art with particles that spring, flow, and glow
Add Multiplayered brushstrokes for eye catching pieces with Pattern Pens; Depict Mandalas and other symmetrical Designs with mirror painting and kaleidoscope tools
Pair with a drawing Tablet for Full pressure sensitive Control of every brush to recreate the sensation of painting with traditional media, such as sPlaying the bristles
Intuitive tutorials with Workflow tips as well as a built in gallery of Essentials artwork fuel Your inspiration and help you grow as a digital artist
Expand your artistic capabilities with Painter Essentials 6.