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This comprehensive text looks in detail at important patterns inmen and women's health. It takes account of the ways in which sexand gender interact, both with each other and with other forms ofdifference, such as race, ethnicity and socio-economicdisadvantage. In addition to drawing on data and debates from theUSA, the UK and other industrialized nations, it examines health indeveloping countries, giving the book a strong international andcomparative focus. As well as discussing a range of health-relatedbehaviours, such as diet, exercise, alcohol, smoking and drug use,the book explores in depth topics such as mental health, morbidityand reproduction. The Health of Men and Women is written particularly with the needs,interests and abilities of upper-level undergraduate students inmind. It will be of particular interest to those studying thesociology of health and illness, and will also be highly relevantto courses on gender, race and ethnicity, and a range of other keysociological issues.