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The Thrill Kings are a group of interdimensional test drivers, busy with the job of repairing rift emergencies across the multiverse. THEY know who they are, and what they are doing in this book, but the reader doesn’t know. No worries, there is ALWAYS a character in place to ask the questions the reader wants answered.In the opening, a middle-aged couple asks the team: “What are those monsters? What’s going on?” and the team tells them.Later, an Army Colonel asks “Who is this Dr. Norel? and why is Colonel Bloch being so secretive about him?” No one can answer his questions, so he digs deeper.The third person to ask questions for the audience is Grace Peterson, a young news-crew intern, whose night’s work is interrupted by an impulsive test driver named Nonstop, a young man who claims that his team is being lied about in the media, and that a devious Army Colonel is trying to murder his friends in order to steal their technology - the world’s first interdimensional motorcycles.Grace has a million questions, and Nonstop is eager to answer them, but the army is coming. Right now. Right this second.A thousand close calls later, and Grace has her answers, but she may never get to broadcast them. The night has seen Colonel Bloch grow desperate, and clumsily abuse a technology he doesn’t fully understand. His actions cause an interdimensional portal storm to rage in California, and it will fall to Nonstop and Grace to somehow defeat the colonel’s forces, rescue the inventor of the vortex bikes, and stop the interdimensional portal storm from becoming a TOTAL REALITY MELTDOWN.This is night of interdimensional monsters, realm-jumping adventures, nightmare weaponry, bizarre physics, other-worldly creatures, friendly aliens, science fiction hardware, and good old-fashioned soul.A WILD, reality-bending, 24 hours...