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Picture book for children - English and Russian Bilingual Children's English-Russian Picture Dictionary (Bilingual Picture Dictionary) (Parallel Text English/Russian) - Christmas Words Picture book Fist Christmas words: Christmas Bilingual Picture Dictionary This is a sweet bilingual book (English-Russian) for children. Delightful pictures based on Christmas are on every page. It's a wonderful book to introduce babies and toddlers to Christmas. As young children go through this picture book, they will learn to recognize the words and objects commonly used during Christmas. Merry Christmas! This is a great book for kids who are just learning to read. With just a few words on each page, this will be a wonderful tool to introduce new words. Encourage your child by reminding them that they are great readers in Russian!! About the Author/Illustrator: Sujatha Lalgudi is a Best Selling Children’s book author and illustrator of easy reader Kids books. My daddy is the best - Children's English-Russian Picture book (Bilingual Edition) Gifts for you, Mama - Bilingual English-Russian Picture book for children Jojo's Christmas Day - Russian picture book Where is Santa? - Russian children's book A Lovely Day - Bilingual Edition - English Russian childrens book What are you feeling, Dragon - English Russian bilingual Book Finger counting fun - Russian baby book Animal counting book - Bilingual English Russian Where are the Easter eggs - Bilingual Russian book Jojo's Easter egg hunt - Russian Easter book Bilingual Edition Tags:russian book for kids, russian kids books, russian books, russian books, russian books for kids, russian books for toddlers, russian books for beginners,Christmas book,Christmas books for bilingual kids,kids Christmas book,xmas gift,English Russian,Bilingual Russian,bilingual children,children's bilingual books