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GREAT FOR : Office Home Office Cubicle College Organized Girls We’re not saying that this lovely desk organizer is going to get you that promotion you’ve been wanting but it will help you stay on top of things, which might impress your boss. Place your order for this delightful organizer TODAY, and you’ll be glad you did. No deje pasar este hermoso set de escritorio color turquesa aqua. Con 5 diferentes accesorios que la mantendran organizada! - 1 Archivador Vertical de Carpetas y Papeles - 1 Bandeja de Mesa para Organizar Papeles - 1 Organizador de lapices, lapiceros y boligrafos - 1 Organizador de Post-Its y Notas de PApel - 1 Organizador de Cartas, Recibos, Facturas, Correo, Sobres, Papeles Compre el suyo HOY!