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Product Type :Lab Supply
Package Dimensions :6.1 Cm L X14.3 Cm W X23.4 Cm H
Country Of Origin :Germany
Package Weight :3.0Lbs
Contaminant DNA is especially problematic in the highly sensitive PCR technique, as its removal has proven to be no trivial matter. Originating from aerosolized fragments, contaminant DNA can lead to Cross contamination between samples thus resulting in inaccurate data or PCR artefacts. Even a single DNA molecule can be detected in the amplification process leading to widespread problems throughout the testing procedure. Pcr clean is ready-to-use solution for eliminating DNA from any surface. DNA is removed within seconds after use. The solution contains a surfactant and a non-alkaline and non-carcinogenic agent. Pcr clean is intended for use at PCR workstations, lab devices, pipettors, etc.