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Customer Voice: They arrived looking exactly like the picture. They cling well to a wine glass stem. I've tossed them in the dishwasher by accident before, but they came out unscathed. I store them right on the wine glasses hanging upside down from my rack. If I had to nit pick about anything, it's that the white and the grey cats can be a little harder to tell apart than the picture suggests, depending upon your lighting. EDIT: I'm adding this additional information with regards to a question that was asked abut this product, in hope that more people will see it: Question: could you use these on a drinking glass lip instead? My answer: they hang well enough from a lip, so purely as decoration it would work, BUT they would probably need to be held/removed as soon as someone actually takes a sip so that they don't fall off. If your glass has a very thick rim (like a heavy beer stein), it might fair better. HOWEVER, they are large and flexible enough that you could also fit them around most handles, such as a mug or beer stein, so they do work with more than just wine glasses!