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Herbal nutritional supplement blend containing 5 herbs. Caffeine free natural energy, in easy to digest liquid form. A simple way to add iconic herbs to your healthy diet. Made in japan, yunker is sato's international flagship brand sold in over 30 countries.. One recommended per day as part of healthy regimen. Yunker Health + Energy consists of an effective blend of carefully selected natural herbs, vitamins and other nutrients that help invigorate the body’ s metabolism and increase blood flow. Liquid extracts work faster and more completely than other forms of supplementation. There are no pills to swallow, no herbs to press, or tea to steep. Plus, liquid nutrients are absorbed quickly, so they get to work right away. There are many resources available for more detailed information on each Herb and Vitamin supplement included in Yunker Health. We encourage you to research on your own. Please ask your physician should you have questions or concerns.