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* Are you still distressed about looking for the Urine and Stains of your naughty little pet left in your home? * Are you still worried about the various insects in the grass and woods when you go out for camping? * Are you still tiered of wasting so many time in identifying the authenticity of the documents, looking for the machinery leaks, hospitality industry sanitary checks and etc? Now you have a great chance to easily solve all of the problems above at once,with the help of this UV flashlight black light,you can do your job faster and easier. How It Works ? The UV black light cause the salts in dried urine to illuminate like a neon sign on contact, making the stains visible to the human eye! It is perfect for pinpointing and cleaning troublesome areas, rather than pouring time and money into cleaning your entire floor, curtains or furniture Black Light For Pet Urine Detection : With the UV light you would be able to easily reveal pet urine and stain that couldn't see with the naked eye.Black light make this visible clearly.Great tool for carpet stain remover. UV Flashlight For Scorpion Detector : The blacklight is easy to spot scorpion bed bug,Identify counterfeit money and reveal the hidden ink on passport and other important documents like ID card. Blacklight Flashlight For Fluorescent Agent Detector: The UV flashlight is useful for testing the fluorescent powder and other chemical residues,especially those in the baby's clothes ,medicines or cosmetic products. Potent Inspection Tool: The uv flashlight blacklight is THE BEST CHOICE for many businesses: Pest Control, Carpet Cleaning, Landlords, School's, Hotels. Your staff can do their job Faster and Easier. MANY OTHER USES: Inspect hotel rooms for cleanliness when travelling (human fluids), authenticate currency, detect repairs/cracks in antique porcelain/glassware, locating minerals, posters or UV paint, glow walks, crafts, automotive fluid leaks.