You Have to F*****g Eat

Product ID : 5439790

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About You Have To F*****g Eat

Product Description A New York Times Best Seller One of BookRiot's Must-Read Books from Indie Presses for 2014 One of Flavorwire's 50 Best Independent Fiction and Poetry Books of 2014 " You Have to F***ing Eat makes parents of picky eaters smile." -- TODAY Parents "Adam Mansbach...will delight exhausted and exasperated parents everywhere for a second time with You Have to F**king Eat--another children's book that is most definitely not for children." -- Entertainment Weekly "An equally hilarious ode to kids at the table." -- Huffington Post "Parents, Adam Mansbach gets you. He understood that sometimes your kids just won't go the f**k to sleep. And, in his new foulmouthed bedtime book for parents out Wednesday, he understands that sometimes they just won't f**king eat. And he knows, well, it's really f**king annoying. So how about some f**king comic relief?" -- GQ "A likeable variation on a universal f***ing theme." -- Kirkus Reviews "A hilarious sendup of the eternal fight between kids and their parents over what to eat and when--if at all." -- New York Journal of Books "If you're a frustrated parent with a picky child, or even just one who appreciates 'deranged' humor, especially humor that rhymes, this is a terrific read for you...Parents will enjoy a good chuckle and subtle reminder that everything is better, including parenthood, if tackled with a little bit of humor." -- San Francisco Book Review " You Have to F**cking Eat, Sequel to Go the F**k to Sleep, Is Finally F**king Coming...It will arrive just in time to gift it to your brother-in-law, who, upon unwrapping it, will clutch it immediately to his chest and shake his head furiously at his waist-high daughter as she claws at him with her chewed up nails. 'No, no, it's not for you,' he'll say, laughing and crying at the same time." -- Flavorwire "An uproarious spoof of bedtime board books." -- San Francisco Chronicle "A 21st-century bedtime story for the ages (and all ages) if there ever was one." -- Bay Area Reporter "Parents, when your precious angel rips you from your three hours of sleep to demand food that he won't actually eat, you'll want this f'ing book." -- Mashable "Forthcoming new book by genius funnyman Adam Mansbach." -- BoingBoing "Mansbach freely, fabulously curses out the uncensored truth; Brozman makes sure you'll recognize your irresistible, equitably diverse mini-mes with those all-too-familiar expressions, from utter disdain to overwhelming trust and every little eyeball roll in between." -- BookDragon/Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center "If your kid has never presented you with some new mind-boggling preference at mealtime, I suspect you're lying." -- Persephone Magazine "This book is genius. It is what every parent is thinking when their child refuses dinner." -- Old School/New School Mom "With this soon-to-be crude classic, Adam Mansbach has nailed it with his undeniable animal/child comparisons all cozily complimented by Owen Brozman's humorous illustration--we dare you not to giggle into your eggnog." -- Curious Mom "Illustrations are just as enjoyable and the narrative again paints the perfect picture." -- Roundtable Reviews From the author of the international best seller Go the F*** to Sleep comes a long-awaited sequel about the other great parental frustration: getting your little angel to eat something that even vaguely resembles a normal meal. Profane, loving, and deeply cathartic, You Have to F***ing Eat breaks the code of child-rearing silence, giving moms and dads new, old, grand- and expectant, a much-needed chance to laugh about a universal problem. A perfect gift book like the smash hit Go the F*** to Sleep (over 1.5 million copies sold worldwide!), You Have to F***ing Eat perfectly captures Mansbach's trademark humor, which is simultaneously affectionate and radically honest. You probably shouldn't read it to your kids, so there's a kid-friendly version, Seriously, You Have to Eat. Review " You