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"Fake News!" Talking Trump Button is for every Person sick of hearing fake news. Fake News is everywhere—at the office, the media, even in your home. It’s like a malicious virus that spreads from one person to the next, infecting everyone in its path. But is there anything you can do to stop Fake News? YES! Introducing the Fake News Talking Trump Button. The ingenious solution to eradicating fake news in your life. Simply push the button anytime you suspect fake news. Instantly you’ll hear President Donald Trump’s voice shouting, “You are Fake News!” or “That is False and Fake and never happened!” or any one of 7 Fake News lines by Trump. Just like pulling a fire alarm when you smell smoke, you should push the Fake News button urgently anytime you detect Fake News. So, if you're a tired of hearing fake fraudulent and phony news but can't find a quick and easy way to sound the alarm, the ""Fake News!" Talking Trump Button" is the answer you've been looking for! Order today and we’ll rush you this lifesaving Fake News button. Batteries included so you can get started wiping out fake news the moment it arrives.