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Description: The Mini Bluetooth scanner is an engine performance and diagnostics tool for both automotive enthusiasts and professionals. Paired with your Android smartphone or tablet, the Mini Bluetooth allows you to easily scan and clear engine codes, view and save real-time engine data and much more. This model features an integrated power switch that allows you leave it plugged into your vehicle and turn it off when it's not in use. With the appropriate apps, perform the following operations: Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and manufacturer-specific, and display code descriptions  with over 3000 universal code definitions in the database Clear trouble codes and check engine lights Display real-time sensor data, including: Engine RPM Coolant Temperature Calculated Load Value MPH Speed Short Term Fuel Trim Long Term Fuel Trim Intake Air Temperature Air Flow Rate Absolute Throttle Position Oxygen Sensor Voltages/Associated Short Term Fuel Trims Fuel System Status Fuel Pressure Package Included: 1 x OBD scan tool