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Xplotter is a general purpose scientific graphing program for Windows. A wide variety of options allow the graphs to be customized to your requirements.Plot XY, XY Line, Bar, Log-Log, Log-Linear, Pie, Bubble, Polar, Ternary and Diamond GraphsAll Charts in 2D and 3DStatistics Including Minima, Maxima, Median, Mean, Standard DeviationBuiltin Spreadsheet for Entering and Editing DataSpreadsheet Reads/Writes Tab, CSV, Excel FilesNumeric FormattingChoice of Colors, Labels, Symbols and FontsUser Defined TemplatesAuto or Manual ScalesLeast Squares Curve Fitting for XY PlotsDrawing and Text ToolsAuto SymbolsPrinting and Clipboard SupportOutput to BMP, JPG, SVG and PDF FilesPDF Help ManualFree Internet Updates Builtin . License key will be emailed. Online delivery