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This peculiar and humorous tale tells the story of a squirrel named Wow. Who, due to unfortunate events, found himself all alone. But after being adopted and raised by a family of rabbits, Wow begins to question his differences to the rest of his family. He embarks on a journey, along with his foster sister Ola, to find someone of great wisdom to hopefully answer his questions.This journey takes through the seven mountains and the company of a whole host of interesting creatures. For example, a frog who believes herself to be a princess yet is lacking a nose, ears, arms, teeth, sense of humour, and someone to kiss her. Neptune, the rat with three incisors and the habit of playing possum, two snails who follow the group along the way at their own pace and provide their own special brand of insights, and others. This is a journey full of adventures, dangers, and a group of unlikely forest-dwelling friends.