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This sage smudge stick bundles kit will help you create harmony with the physical, spiritual and supernatural all while making a positive impact on kids in need. Burning sage, like using crystals and healing stones, is perfect for those wanting to energize their space, self, or create an uplifting atmosphere while practicing yoga or meditation. Burning sage in this ancient Native American ceremonial ritual should be done to keep yourself and environment energetically balanced. This healing jewelry and smudging sticks set promotes healing, harmonious and peaceful state of being, spiritual awareness, intuition, clears negative energy, and is especially helpful when you've been around people that are depressed, fearful, ill, emotionally unbalanced, mentally ill, emotionally or physically toxic, or angry. Also when you are feeling blue, or under extreme stress. The kit comes complete with a beautiful folded gift card with step by step instructions on how to perform the ancient traditional ceremony for a successful clearing and feelings of total renewal. Smudging creates a wonderful "lightness" of the atmosphere. When you smudge on a regular basis, harmony prevails. The Latin word for sage is, Salvia, from salvus healthy meaning 'to heal.' Other benefits to burning sage leaves is it brings wisdom, clarity, energy cleansing, and increased spiritual awareness/ intuition. If people have imbalances (physical, emotional, spiritual) in their lives, it can negatively affect their overall health and well-being. The theory behind this burning ritual is that the smoke will attach itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears away it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it can then be recycled into positive energy.This kit also supports those needing wicca supplies, witchcraft, altar supplies or loves Native American decor ritual pieces.