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Do you love the Burritos? If you love Burritos like I love burritos more than your family, then buy this awesome Funny Burrito t shirt and give it to yourself. If you love your family more, then give this Funny Burrito t shirt to someone in your family. The Funny Burrito Tee makes the perfect gift for Christmas, birthdays, graduations or for any other friend and family member you want to pleasantly surprise. If you hate someone, give them this Funny Burrito t shirt out of spite. Or if you want a comfortable, authentically designed men's, women's, kids, and children's American Funny Burrito t shirt -shirt that will also make you a better person inside and out, then you know what to do from here- Add to Cart. Happiness is a side effect once this Funny Burrito t shirt tee shirt is put on.