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Product description [ Women, War, and Work: The Impact of World War I on Women Workers in the United States (Contributions in Ethnic Studies #12) By Greenwald, Maurine Weiner ( Author ) Hardcover 1980 ] Review ?In this fine, scholarly work detailed case studies document the complexities and ambiguities of the status of women industrial workers in World War I. Professor Greenwald's determination to see the larger picture and see it whole makes her book equally valuable to those interested in the history of labor, in social and reform history, and in the history of women.?-Gerda Lerner "In this fine, scholarly work detailed case studies document the complexities and ambiguities of the status of women industrial workers in World War I. Professor Greenwald's determination to see the larger picture and see it whole makes her book equally valuable to those interested in the history of labor, in social and reform history, and in the history of women."-Gerda Lerner About the Author eenwald /f Maurine /i Weiner