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Be your own kind of creative. Everyone has a creative core. Everyone! But, in order for it to thrive, it needs to be nurtured. That's where "Whole Lotta Creativity Going On" can help. It's not a crafts or how-to book, but rather a fun book, filled with 10 different types of unusual and thought-provoking activities and exercises, which can be used to ignite and invigorate your creative spark. Sometimes, those that don't feel they are creative, surprise themselves the most when they unlock the door, clear away the dust, and begin to discover and unleash the creative side of themselves. For others, perhaps, their creative spirit hasn't been given enough of an opportunity to really flourish and express itself in its own unique way. This book contains 60 different creativity stretchers to get you going which are grouped into the following categories: - Awareness, Sensory, and Experience - Creativity in Action - Ideation - Imagination - Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions - Snap Portraits - Snap Solutions - Stop and Reflect - Thought Expression - Word Play