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Who Was Who in Orthodontics is the culmination of some fifteen years of researching orthodontic history. Books, journals, newspapers, manuscripts, newsletters, and oral histories were culled for information to build the most complete collection of references yet available. This book consists of two main features: (1) biographies of more than 100 individuals important to orthodontic history (Part I) and (2) references to the literature of orthodontic history covering a 100-year span (Parts II and III). No longer does the researcher need the date of death to locate an obituary, because the entries are arranged alphabetically, in a style that permits quick access to the significant features of the individual’s life. Each entry is followed by additional sources of information, if amplification or verification is desired. The history references are arranged both by subject and by author, and are not limited to the three- or four-decade window currently imposed by on-line sources. Although hard copy sources are not thus restricted, they can be accessed only on a year-to-year basis. Finally, a list of "firsts" can be found in Part IV, for those who like their orthodontic history in a capsule.